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Nd:YAG laser surface treatment of copper to improve the wettability of Sn3.5Ag solder on copper

Zhenqing Zhao, Chunqing Wang, Mingyu Li and Lei Wang
Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (7) 2181 (2005)

Effects of CO2 laser irradiation on the wettability and human skin fibroblast cell response of magnesia partially stabilised zirconia

L. Hao and J. Lawrence
Materials Science and Engineering: C 23 (5) 627 (2003)

Identification of the principal elements governing the wettability characteristics of ordinary Portland cement following high power diode laser surface treatment

J Lawrence
Materials Science and Engineering: A 356 (1-2) 162 (2003)

On the mechanisms of wetting characteristics modification for selected metallic materials by means of high power diode laser radiation

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Journal of Laser Applications 14 (2) 107 (2002)

The influence of a high power diode laser (HPDL) generated glaze on the wetting characteristics and the subsequent HPDL enamelling of ordinary Portland cement

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Surface and Coatings Technology 137 (1) 77 (2001)

Effect of laser induced rapid solidification structures on adhesion and bonding characteristics of alumina/silica based oxide to vitreous enamel

J. Lawrence and L. Li
Materials Science and Technology 16 (2) 220 (2000)

The effects of high-power diode laser radiation on the wettability, adhesion and bonding characteristics of an alumina/silica-based oxide and vitreous enamel

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Surface and Coatings Technology 115 (2-3) 273 (1999)

Wettability characteristics of an Al2O3/SiO2-based ceramic modified with CO2, Nd:YAG, excimer and high-power diode lasers

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (10) 1075 (1999)

Wettability characteristics of a modified mild steel with CO2, Nd:YAG, excimer and high power diode lasers

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (18) 2311 (1999)