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J. Phys. I France
Volume 3, Numéro 5, May 1993
Page(s) | 1235 - 1244 | |
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J. Phys. I France 3 (1993) 1235-1244
Structural and magnetic investigations of the Peierls transition of -(Per) M(mnt) with M = Fe and Co
V. Gama1, R. T. Henriques1, M. Almeida1, C. Bourhonnais2, J. P. Pouget3, D. Jérôme3, P. Auhan-Senzier3 and B. Gotschy31 Laboratorio Nacional de Engennaria e technologia Endustrial, Departamento de Quimica, P- 2685 Sacavem, Portugal
2 Dtpartement de physique, Universitt de Sherhrooke, Sherbrooke, Qutbec, JIK 2R1, and Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS URA 2), Universitt de Paris-Sud, Bstiment 510, Orsay, F-91405, France
3 Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS URA 2), Universitt de Paris-Sud, Batiment 510, Orsay, F-91405, France
(Received 18 September 1992, revised 7 January 1993, accepted in final form 16 January 1993)
In this work we present and discuss the temperature variation of X-ray, EPR and
nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements for the two quasi-one-dimensional compounds
. From X-ray and EPR intensity data, a Peierls
instability of the Perylene stacks is found to take place at 58 K and 75 K for the Fe and Co
derivatives respectively. In contrast to other members of this series of two-chain compounds, the
, stacks are found to play no role in the Peierls instability. As for diffusive excitations of
localized spins in dimerized Fe(mnt)
, stacks, their influence is shown to dominate the temperature
variation of both the spin-lattice nuclear relaxation rate and the previously measured Faraday spin
76.30P - 76.60E - 61.65
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