J. Phys. I France
Volume 5, Numéro 12, December 1995
Page(s) 1563 - 1571
DOI: 10.1051/jp1:1995217
J. Phys. I France 5 (1995) 1563-1571

The Persistence Length in a Random Surface Model

John H. Ipsen1 and Claus Jeppesen2

1  Department of Physical Chemistry, The Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
2  Materials Research Laboratory, University of California. Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

(Received 9 June 1995, revised 28 August 1995, accepted 5 September 1995)

Randomly triangulated, self-avoiding surfaces with topology of a sphere have been studied by use of Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Flexible surfaces with small bending elasticity moduli $\kappa$ are considered. Analysis of surface characteristics like volume, enthalpy and radius of gyration support that self-avoiding, fluid surfaces display properties of branched polymers at length scales larger than some persistence length $\xi_{\rm p}(\kappa)$. The simulation data can be rationalized in terms of simple phenomenological scaling relations and mean-field theory. Estimates of $\xi_{\rm p}(\kappa)$ up to a multiplicative factor are given.

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